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Applications and platforms engineering for financial institutions and fintechs

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Verse confidently rolls out SEPA payments
thanks to Metasite expertise

The challenge: delivering in-app SEPA payments

Spain-based Verse, a mobile P2P payments provider, wanted to seize an opportunity to move quickly on the P2P payments scene to allow its users to instantly send money to any eurozone country – without the need for Verse to rely on an intermediary to execute payments.

In close partnership with Metasite, the fintech smoothly launched Eurozone-wide instant mobile app payments in active use by over half a million customers. Metasite SEPA Payments Plug-In Application enabled Verse to confidently go live with the full range of cross-border payments, driving a significant increase in payment transactions.

The company is now part of the Cash App organisation, a mobile payment service developed by a US-based fintech Square with over 36 million monthly active customers.

Verse, Spain

Business area
EMI, Mobile P2P payments

Project tech stack
Java, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ

“We’re very happy to have chosen Metasite as our technology partner for launching a new service vital for our business – SEPA instant payments that enabled instant transfers to all banks in Spain and the Eurozone without the need for an intermediary.”

Jaume Miró, Verse COO

The solution: Metasite SEPA payments plug-in application

Verse chose to integrate its core banking system with the Central Bank of Lithuania CENTROlink payment system because that enables Verse to incorporate SEPA instant payments and credit transfers into the Verse app experience.

Yet integrating SEPA payments into the Verse core banking infrastructure posed some challenges – from ensuring a smooth roll-out through to meeting technical and compliance requirements. Verse needed a partner that could deliver a steady, re-assuring route to achieve its objectives. At the same time, Verse wanted to retain maximum decision-making power and flexibility to meet demanding user expectations.

In Metasite, Verse found a technology partner with a unique mix of a tailored approach as well as expertise and speed.
The application is a customisable middleware hosted on Verse infrastructure, which cuts out the need for payments intermediaries. The plugin is designed for quick deployment with the goal to help fintech companies such as Verse to quickly access SEPA instant payments and credit transfers.

The plug-in links a client’s core banking system with the Central Bank of Lithuania’s CENTROlink payment system that provides access to payment service providers, enabling them to use SEPA services. The middleware does so by translating JSON messages into ISO 20020-compliant XML files, signing the files with a hardware security module, and submitting them across a secure connection.

The result: smooth, confident go-live for Verse

To implement SEPA capabilities, Metasite helped Verse with the integration of both SEPA schemes – credit transfers and instant payments. From a technical perspective, the integration of each scheme requires going through the following key steps – setup and integration with a client’s internal systems, integration with a hardware security module (HSM) for the signing process, and passing the required tests.

Verse instant go-live was aided by the fact that Metasite is an established integrator with knowledge of the Central Bank of Lithuania processes, including existing experience in helping clients pass CENTROlink acceptance testing.

“Financial institutions must provide a test log of completed transactions scenarios that demonstrate the ability of the institution’s integration to handle different transactions competently. The current testing regime requires proof of successful execution for dozens of test cases. We assisted Verse in demonstrating that their SEPA integration functions according to regulatory requirements and that the payment processing is ready to go live.

In general, SEPA payments integration for Verse worked really smoothly, which in large part was the result of the client’s hands-on approach,” shares Mantas Kentra, Metasite Senior Solution Architect.

SEPA app context diagram

Metasite SEPA payments plug-in application rapidly and securely connects core banking systems to the Central Bank of Lithuania CENTROlink payment system

“Metasite financial platforms engineering team expertly guided us through the SEPA/CENTROlink integration process, facilitating communication with the Central Bank of Lithuania and solving all technical challenges very efficiently. To any financial institution or fintech seeking a reliable technology partner, we would recommend Metasite with confidence.”

Jaume Miró, Verse COO
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